

8925 15th ave
Brooklyn NY 11228


Quote Number QUO-23
Quote Date December 1, 2023
Total $3,994.20
David Bryan

Quote done site unseen, price may change upon visual inspection.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
4650 Power washing - Ground level per sqft

Basic labor to power wash house with favorable site conditions. Clear surface of dirt, dust and loose debris. Apply cleaner. Power wash surface. Power rinse surface.

710 Power washing - 2nd floor per sqft

Basic labor to power wash house with favorable site conditions. Clear surface of dirt, dust and loose debris. Apply cleaner. Power wash surface. Power rinse surface.

2062 Power washing - Building walls up to 10' - Ground level - House per sqft

Basic labor to power wash house with favorable site conditions. Clear surface of dirt, dust and loose debris. Apply cleaner. Power wash surface. Power rinse surface. Up to 10' above floor level.

405 Power washing - Building walls up to 10' - Ground level - Garage per sqft

Basic labor to power wash house with favorable site conditions. Clear surface of dirt, dust and loose debris. Apply cleaner. Power wash surface. Power rinse surface. Up to 10' above floor level.

829 Power washing - Building walls up to 10' - 2nd level - House per sqft

Basic labor to power wash house with favorable site conditions. Clear surface of dirt, dust and loose debris. Apply cleaner. Power wash surface. Power rinse surface. Up to 10' above floor level.

110 Gutter Cleanning

Clear gutters of debris

Sub Total $3,994.20
Fees $0.00
Total $3,994.20