

8925 15th ave
Brooklyn NY 11228

Invoice Number INV-0022
Invoice Date July 26, 2024
Total Due $450.00
Micah Bosco

622 2nd st

Work done at 622 2nd st duplex
Payable to: Anthony Arab, 8925 15th ave Brooklyn NY

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
2 Plumbing

Shower cleared drain
Upstairs toilet fixed know
Down stairs toilet inspected toilet mechism, adjusted feeder. Needs tank to bowl connection repaired. No toilet water shut off, needs building shut down to add shut off and have gasket changed.

1 Tile

Remove several tiles, clean construction adhesive off tiles, adjust tile edge sticking up. Reset all tiles. Will need to be grouted after tiles dry

Sub Total $450.00
Fees $0.00
Total Due $450.00